欧州委員会(European Commission)はドイツ航空のイタリア航空の実質上の買収に待ったを掛けた
Commission sends Statement of Objections over proposed acquisition of a stake in ITA Airways by Lufthansa
The European Commission has informed Deutsche Lufthansa AG (‘Lufthansa‘) and the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (‘MEF‘) of its preliminary view that their proposed acquisition of joint control of ITA Airways (‘ITA‘) may restrict competition on certain routes in the market for passenger air transport services in and out of Italy. The Commission is concerned that customers may face increased prices or decreased quality of services after the transaction.
Lufthansa and ITA operate an extensive network of routes from their respective hubs in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Lufthansa has joint ventures with United Airlines and Air Canada for transatlantic routes as well as with All Nippon Airways for routes to Japan. The joint venture partners coordinate on price, capacity, scheduling, and share revenues.
The Statement of Objections
On 23 January 2024 the Commission opened an in-depth investigation to assess if Lufthansa’s acquisition of a stake in ITA may restrict competition in the provision of passenger air transport services in and out of Italy.
The Commission has conducted a wide-ranging investigation to understand the potential impact of the deal. This investigation has included, among others, analysing internal documents and detailed information provided by the parties and gathering information and views from competing airlines, airports, slot coordinators and customers.
The Commission has also considered proactive submissions from individual consumers, consumer representative organisations, airports, rival airlines and trade unions expressing their views in support of or against the transaction.
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