【FLiRT】の意味を調べると、いちゃつく、浮気する、ナンパする 、軽く見る、もてあそぶ、色っぽくしゃべり、振舞う、なんて和訳されていますが・・・
新型コロナ禍で一躍有名になったのが、ジョンズ・ホプキンズ大学(米著名経済紙ブルームバーグ紙の創業者「前ニューヨーク市長」が多額の寄付を同大学にしているので、同大学名はJOHNS HOPKINS BLOOMBERG SCHOOL of PUBLIC HEALTH:ブルームバーグの公衆衛生大学と)が出す各種レポートとか統計数字でしたが
What to Know About COVID FLiRT Variants
Virologists are keeping an eye on several COVID variants that have all picked up the same set of mutations. Here’s what that means.13May2024
At the end of March, the KP.2 variant was causing about 4% of infections in the U.S., according to the CDC, while its parental strain, JN.1, was causing over 50% of infections at that time. As of early May, KP.2 makes up about 28% of infections, overtaking JN.1 as the dominant variant.
KP.2 is one of several variants being referred to as “FLiRT variants,” named after the technical names for their mutations. The prevalence of these variants comes at a critical time, when experts are deciding how to formulate the fall COVID vaccine.
In this Q&A, Andy Pekosz, PhD, a professor in Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, explains what virologists like him are seeing, whether these variants might cause a summer wave of infections, and how people can protect themselves.
What are these “FLiRT variants”?
This is the term being used to describe a whole family of different variants—including KP.2, JN.1.7, and any other variants starting with KP or JN—that appear to have independently picked up the same set of mutations. This is called convergent evolution. They are all descendants of the JN.1 variant that has been dominant in the U.S. for the past several months.
The particular mutations that people refer to as “FLiRT”s or “FLip”s refer to specific positions in the spike protein—in this case, positions 456, 346, and 572.
Viruses like SARS-CoV-2 mutate frequently, and when they mutate to evade recognition by antibodies, this often weakens their ability to bind to the cells they want to infect. We then see mutations appear that improve that binding ability. This is a cycle we have seen many times with SARS-CoV-2. The fact that these different variants are picking up the same mutations tells virologists that this combination of mutations is helping the virus accomplish these goals most efficiently.
What are the usual symptoms and transmission timeline for FLiRT variants?
When it comes to symptoms, we’re not seeing anything new or different with these variants. We continue to see more mild disease, but that’s likely not because the virus is milder, but because our immunity is so much stronger now. After years of vaccinations and infections, most of the population is better able to fight off an infection without as much concern for severe disease.
The period of infectiousness for these FLiRT variants remains the same as with JN.1 and previous omicron variants: After exposure, it may take five or more days before you develop symptoms, though symptoms may appear sooner. You are contagious one to two days before you experience symptoms and a few days after symptoms subside. And as with previous variants, some people may have detectable live virus for up to a week after their symptoms begin, and some may experience rebound symptoms.