Starting from May 6, 2024 our KLM colleagues are allowed to wear sneakers under their uniform. This means more comfort during work and a contribution to employee well-being. They can choose their own sneakers (which must meet certain requirements) or they can buy the specially developed KLM sneaker, designed by Filling Pieces.
By allowing sneakers, KLM is responding to the demand for more comfortable work shoes. Some colleagues who wear pumps would like an alternative. Wearing sneakers under a uniform is becoming more common among airlines and is in line with current times. A pilot we conducted in the past year showed that wearing sneakers contributes to employee well-being.
In the past year, I have been able to test sneakers as a sustainable part of my uniform. After years of the classic look of pumps, I now wear sneakers with great pleasure! They give me a good start towards a good flight!
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